2.4 C
Cuma, Şubat 7, 2025

İngilizce’de 20 Kelime 1 Hikaye

Okumadan geçme!

İngiltere Kültüründen Beş Bilgi

  1. Çaylarını sütle içer ve çok severler. 5 çayı araları ünlüdür.
  2. Her 40 kilometrede bir, farklı bir İngilizce aksanı konuşulur.
  3. 100 yaşını aşmış bir vatandaşa, Kraliçe, özel bir tebrik mesajı gönderir.
  4. Atların, eşeklerin ve maymunların özel pasaportu vardır.
  5. Trafik akışının sol tarafta olması gerekliliği, Papa’nın verdiği emre dayanır.

İngilizce 20 Sözcük

  • Aunt: Teyze
  • Work: Çalışmak
  • Adventure: Macera
  • River: Irmak/Nehir
  • Tomorrow: Yarın
  • Angry: Kızgın
  • Fence: Çit
  • Street: Sokak
  • Paint: Boyamak
  • Because: Çünkü
  • Fruit (Juice): Meyve (Suyu)
  • House: Ev
  • Beautiful: Güzel
  • Yard: Bahçe
  • Food: Yiyecek
  • Answer: Yanıt vermek
  • Saturday: Cumartesi
  • Did: Yapmak (do fiilinin ikinci hali ‘geçmiş zaman hâli’)
  • Can: Yapabilmek
  • Some: Biraz

Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Chapter 1 The Fence

Tom Sawyer lived with his aunt because his mother. And father were dead. Tom didn’t like going to school, and he didn’t like working. He liked playing and having adventures. One Friday, he didn’t go to School-he went to the river.

Aunt Polly was angry. “You’re a bad boy!” she said. “Tomorrow you can’t play with your friends because you didn’t go to school today. Tomorrow you’re going to work for me. You can paint the fence.”

Saturday morning, Tom was not happy, but he started to paint the fence. His friend Jim was in the street.

Tom asked him, “Do you want to paint?”

Jim said, “No, I can’t. I’m going to get water.”

Then Ben came to Tom’s house. He watched Tom and said, “I’m going to swim today. You can’t swim because you’re working”

Tom said. “This isn’t work. I like painting”

“Can I paint, too? Ben asked.

“No, you can’t.” Tom answered. “Aunt Polly asked me because I’m a very good painter”

Ben said, “I’m a good painter, too. Please, can I paint I have some fruit. Do you want it?”

“OK.” Tom said. “Give me the fruit. Then you can paint.”

Ben started to paint the fence. Later, many boys came to Tom’s house. They watched Ben, and they wanted to paint, too.

Tom said. “Give me some food and you can paint.”

Tom stayed in the yard, and the boys painted. They painted the fence three times. It was beautiful and white.

 Tom went into the house. “Aunt Polly, can I play now?” he asked.

Aunt Polly was surprised. “Did you paint the fence?” she asked.

“Yes, I did, Tom answered.

 Aunt Polly went to the yard and looked at the fence. She was very surprised and very happy. “It’s beautiful!” she said. “Yes, you can play now.”

Tom walked to his friend Joe Harper’s house and played with his friends there. Then he walked home again. There was a new girl in one yard. She had yellow hair and blue eyes. She was beautiful. Tom wanted to talk to her, but she didn’t see him. She went into her house. Tom waited, but she didn’t come out again.

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer/ Mark Twain metninin tamamı aşağıdaki bağlantıda yer almaktadır.

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